Rob Top (aka Robert Ivanov)

Proud dad and husband.

Website coach.
Exploring a lot of hobbies and interests.


I’m available for hire as:

👨‍💻 web strategist and website coach – I have worked professionally in the web field since 2002. I’ve built web apps, websites, and integrations.
Now, provide clarity and results for coaches and online educators. I do this through coaching and through hands-on implementation.


I am:

👨‍🌾 Growing veggies in my garden
🪄 exploring nocode and low-code tools
🤖 playing with AI, especially Stable Diffusion and LLMs
☕ enjoying making coffee with my manual lever espresso machine
🌍 multilingual: I’m native in Bulgarian and Serbian, and fluent in English. I also speak a few computer languages, too.

I used to (but no longer actively):

ꔮ sim race on iRacing
🚀 build tech side-projects
🪚 practice hand tool woodworking
🧑‍🏫 teach in my uni and in my private school
👥 build an online community (before it was cool)
📸 work as a photographer
🎸 have a band