Rob Top (aka Robert Ivanov)

Proud dad and husband.

Web developer and indiehacker.
Exploring a lot of hobbies and interests.


I’m available for hire as:

👨‍💻 web strategist – I have worked professionally as web developer and website specialist since 2002. I’ve seen it all.
Get in touch if you need an expert to set up and improve your online presence.

👨‍💻 digital marketer for coaches – I provide clarity and results for coaches and online educators. I do this through coaching and through implementing proven strategies.

🎧 tech interviewing/screening – I help you hire the best talent. 650+ interviews conducted and counting.


I am:

👨‍🌾 Growing veggies in my garden
🚀 building a few side-projects
🪄 exploring nocode and low-code tools
🤖 playing with AI, especially Stable Diffusion
✍️ writing my first comic
☕ enjoying making coffee with my manual lever espresso machine
🌍 multilingual: I’m native in Bulgarian and Serbian, and fluent in English

I used to (but no longer actively):

ꔮ sim race on iRacing
🪚 practice hand tool woodworking
🧑‍🏫 teach in my uni and in my private school
👥 own and maintain a few online communities
📸 work as a photographer
🎸 have a band